机场等飞机,继续学习scala~~ 本文原文出处:http://blog.csdn.net/bluishglc/article/details/51290759严禁任何形式的转载,否则将委托CSDN官方维护权益!
Option是一个很有意思的类,首先,这个类并不一个真正的集合类,因为它并没有有继承Traversable或Iterable。但是,它确实具有Iterable的所有操作,这意味着你完全可以把Option当成一个集合去使用,其中原因你应该可以猜的到,这显然是隐式转换在起作用。具体来说是Option的伴生对象中定义了一个隐式转化函数option2Iterable, 你还记得隐式解析的作用域吗?伴生对象也是编译器针对类型进行隐式转换解析时查找的作用域,也就是说:当你试图把Option当成一个Iterable使用时,编译器是在Option的伴生对象的option2Iterable方法上找到了这个隐式转化声明:
implicit def option2Iterable[A](xo: Option[A]): Iterable[A]
从而确认了从Option向Iterable的隐式转化是定义好的。(至于另外的4个隐式转换:by any2stringadd, by any2stringfmt, by any2ArrowAssoc, by any2Ensuring是发生在PreDef中的,这4个是面向全局的任何类型的隐式转换。
First, it is far more obvious to readers of code that a variable whose type
is Option[String] is an optional String than a variable of type String,
which may sometimes be null. But most importantly, that programming
error described earlier of using a variable that may be null without first
checking it for null becomes in Scala a type error. If a variable is of type
Option[String] and you try to use it as a String, your Scala program will
not compile.
- Option具有更直白的语义:它代表的值可能是一个具体的值,但也可能是空!
- 在Java里判空是一个运行时的动作,因此经常会出现忘记判空导致的空指针异常。但是在scala里,由于Option的引入,在你试图使用Option里的值时,你必选做相应的类型转换,否则就会出现编译错误,这是引入Option另一个重要目的,在编译期进行判空处理!
- Using Option in method and constructor parameters
- Using Option to initialize class fields (instead of using null)
Converting null results from other code (such as Java code) into an Option
Returning an Option from a method
- Getting the value from an Option
- Using Option with collections
- Using Option with frameworks
- Using Try/Success/Failure when you need the error message (Scala 2.10 and
newer) - Using Either/Left/Right when you need the error message (pre-Scala 2.10)
Returning an Option from a method
def toInt(s: String): Option[Int] = {
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => None
scala> val x = toInt("1")
x: Option[Int] = Some(1)
scala> val x = toInt("foo")
x: Option[Int] = None
Getting the value from an Option
Use getOrElse
scala> val x = toInt("1").getOrElse(0)
x: Int = 1
Use foreach
toInt("1").foreach{ i =>
println(s"Got an int: $i")
Use a match expression
toInt("1") match {
case Some(i) => println(i)
case None => println("That didn't work.")